Sunday, January 28, 2018

No charges laid.. who fucking cares!

Why is it that "No criminal charges" are the sticking point to this whole Patrick Brown shit show..

Why do you think so many of us do not go to the police.. do you think its because we don't believe we were wronged??


It is because for decades upon decades rape survivors have been blamed for having one drink too many, wearing the wrong clothes, leading the predator on, not saying no loud enough... it goes on and on...

Power, no matter who yields it .. from a politician to a parent.. can create an atmosphere where fear and intimidation are the basis for silence.

So much to lose.. but not for the powerful. for those they harm.

The powerful are surrounded by their people, who will lie and do whatever it takes to protect their person so they themselves will not have their lives change.

Let go of this idea that "assault" only counts if it is being shared with the police and charges laid.. if this were the case, and charges were something we were comfortable and able to do then we might not be having so many of these discussions..

For the message of STOP FUCKING WITH PEOPLES LIVES IN A NEGATIVE MANNER... will be understood as the consequences would be quick and hopefully painful.

These predators walk among us .. some closer than you would care to admit..

But we all damn well know.. they are there.

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