HEY GUYS! Have you noticed that women are tearing this whole fucking system to the ground? Have you found yourself saying things like "this is unfair" or maybe this banger "it's hard to be a guy right now" or maybe a little "Patrick Brown's trial by media is super unfair"? Well, you're right and you're wrong and I'm here to tell you why and how.
With virtually everything I listed AND WAY MORE you are wrong, but you're goddamn fucking right women are tearing the whole system down! We never let them up in the first place so what did you expect?! Horrible men spent the last 100 years assaulting them whenever they got the chance, and then laughed at them whenever they asked them to stop - and then just KEPT ASSAULTING THEM.
Do you also find yourself thinking that the
#metoo movement has gone too far? This is too much? Homies, this is JUST GETTING STARTED and we are not doing ANYTHING to help it. And notice that I didn't say "we aren't doing anything to *stop* it" I said, "help it". Because we should be helping it and here's one way:
Let's address the spectrum. That place that exists between that time you tried 400 times to talk a girl into having sex with you who didn't want to, and Harvey Weinstein. That exists. There is a spectrum. Patrick Brown is somewhere in the middle of that spectrum. But we have sympathizers (Christine Blatchford exists in this space, FYI, stop posting her GARBAGE article) saying things like "Patrick Brown didn't commit a crime and he is not Harvey Weinstein". No, he isn't - but how would we know as he just FLED THE FUCKEN BUILDING AND REFUSED TO TALK ABOUT IT. You know what would have been good? Something like this:
"You know what - that happened. I did those things that these two women describe. It was 10 years ago and I behaved very badly. I asked a high school aged woman for oral sex in a very, very intimidating situation and I cannot imagine what hell she has been going through for the last 10 years. I feel I have evolved as a human since then and I would like to discuss this. I would still like to be this party's leader, but we need to discuss this first. I'm sorry for my actions and I will stand here to face them."
Something like that would have been great. Boom - integrity! Boom - a discussion! Boom - not Harvey Weinstein!
However, he did not do that. He did what everyone else who does not have a shred of integrity does - he denied it and fled the building. Well, guess what, this makes him Harvey Weinstein. Because that is the only common denominator you have left for all of us to observe. And that is why women are going to continue to tear this motherfucker to the ground and the men who support them are going to let them do it. It needs to happen.
When a Patrick Brown situation shows up, stop banding together and attacking women and sympathizing with the assaulter.
Guys, start HELPING women tear this down. Because only those of us who pass the litmus test get to help build it back up.