Thursday, June 25, 2015

Our Gay Babies!

There are many contributions to the conversation about being gay but I believe this may just be the one to pay attention to.

The only things that make us different in the world is money and education. Both of those things are a result of our choices in life and we can change (mostly) if we are not happy.

Being gay will never be something you can change. It is certainly something you can ignore and push down inside. It is something you can try to hide from others and even yourself at times but you wont be able to change it!

Most people that are gay realize it from a early age and it has been proved time and time again that who we are surrounded with reflects how well we will be able to accept who we are.

We choose how we deal with those in our lives that are struggling with self acceptance and presenting who they are to the world.

When it is introduced by those we love as something we need to hide or be ashamed of it changes how accepting we are of ourselves.

Our 'Tribe' influence us in the most impressionable times of our growth. It is within that circle that we need to be encouraged, enlightened and accepted.

Our children are the future, our backbone to tomorrow. Would you want your car running with no tires, your house with no roof?
No,  you would want the foundation to be solid, a strong base to build upon so it can exist throughout the years and protect the jewels that lie within.

Our children are our jewels, lets treat them as such. Polishing them so their sparkle blinds the world.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

CaMels Thoughts on finding love!

I had the privilege of being the  Maid of Honor for a close friend  this past weekend. 
I have been in one wedding and it was my mothers. No question this time it was going to be much different and I would have to try to live up to some of the traditions that help make it more fun.

I knew it was normal for the MoH to do a speech at the reception.  I had been informed I didn't need to worry about that so I was very non committal about the entire thing. 

I have not known Debbie and Richard long enough that I have stories of our growing up. We all used to spend a lot of time together so I know some very interesting things about them yet none of those relevant to this situation or audience.
The evening of the rehearsal I got to spend some time with both of them and some of their family members. Everyone was in such awesome spirits and working together to prepare for the next days ceremony. 
I came home with the plan on putting together a toast of sorts for the next day. I wanted to make it short and sweet but after the words started I had difficulty stopping them.
The result was a collection on things I feel important in creating a great foundation to being a lovable/loving huMan.
I stood before my friends and shared my thoughts. They flowed from my face with ease along with some questionable language. Their message traveling on the winds of laughter.. 
Once finished and seated I felt a warmth in my belly. That fuzzy. fun feeling you get when you know your heart grew a little bigger that day!
I think we are so very lucky to be able to find a person to share our everything with. 
Life is to outstanding to do alone.
Congrats Debbie and Richard..
May your lives together be glorious!

Camel’s thoughts on finding love.
We have to love ourselves for only then will we truly feel love
We have to be ourselves and continue to do so not matter what. If not we will not attract that person that loves who we truly are.
We need to work really hard to leave our past in our past. Keeping our minds clear and our hearts open.
We have to be honest with ourselves about the differences between wants and needs, fantasy and reality.
We must continuously hone our imagination where our sense of adventure lives.
We should always welcome a chance to embark on a new mission even if it scares us or we may fail.
We have to laugh. Often and loudly. At ourselves, with others and at life!!
We have to remember that we are all equal, Yet so very different.
We have to be kind, to everyone, everything, always. Not the easiest thing to do but the rewards are so worth the personal effort!
We have to learn to breath, without that simple action we are not alive. You see the problem this presents when it comes to attraction and love!!
We have to realize that everything has purpose, lessons to help you as you live your life. Pay attention, growth comes from learning, repetition can be time consuming.  We don’t have a lot of that!
Today’s purpose was to allow us to share in the magic of love. Allowing us to experience the joy when two people commit to each other. Pride as we witness this act of devotion and elation as we all celebrate together.
My wish is that through the years your love for each other will deepen and grow. That years from now you will look back on this day, your wedding day, as the day you loved each other the least.
Let us all raise our glass to Debbie and Richard
Thank you for bringing us all together to share this adventure with you.
May life bring you years of fun missions that see you running around in capes and butterfly wings!!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Telling the truth to our babies.

The more knowledge we have of life and all its aspects the better equipped we are to make good decisions.

Yesterday I shared a link that showed a very graphic yet GREAT sex education book. I asked how old do you think a child should be before they learn this stuff.


I never hid anything from my daughter. Yet of course even though she had that knowledge she still made some bad choices but at least I felt confident she has some great information in her little head to make those decisions.
Not everyone agrees that a child should be told everything and I can see that there are some things that are age sensitive as comprehension comes after a few years of breathing. What concerns me is the amount of education our children get from each other, tv, internet and school and NOT from where it should come from.. Us, their parents.

I encourage people to always be honest with their spawn. Especially about the big things, Sex,marriage, gender equality, Death, education, self esteem, kindness, self respect, self worth and money. These are the things we as huMans ALL experience in one way or another. Why on earth would you want to have people running around with misinformation and sharing that with you or your children. That only confuses things and starts a ball rolling that might end up spatted against a big ole wall!

There are so many different ways to teach our kids these days with some amazing "props" ie: books, movies, puppets. To keep them in the dark is not doing them or the world any good. Allow them all the information so they can make educated choices and we will see a lot less confusion in our world!

We owe it to our little leaders to start them out right.. We know so much more now than we did 20 years ago. 

We need and can to do better!!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Straight pride.. really!!!

Today this came through on my feed.. posted by an acquaintance and it got me so PISSED off.. Come on now.. realize where society and you have gone wrong and let things be. It doesn't affect you ..
This would be relevant if you had to put up with years of discrimination and abuse.. Perhaps if you were afraid to show your love for another in fear of being beaten.. or perhaps if you were afraid to loose your family and jobs for fear of losing both your income and your connections. Perhaps if you had to struggle to be recognized as a couple or to adopt children without issue. Perhaps if you were not judged for being who you are and not stared at or have jokes made about your sexual life(Which is NOBODIES business). To not be able to travel to other countries without fear of being killed.. All these things and SO much more go into our (GAYS) celebrating who we are. Shame on you for trying to make light of a group of people that have had so many more obstacles than you, the straight person, has had to face to just be happy.
Today this came through on my feed.. posted by an acquaintance and it got me so PISSED off.. Come on now.. realize where society and you have gone wrong and let things be. It doesn't affect you .. 

This would be relevant if you had to put up with years of discrimination and abuse.. Perhaps if you were afraid to show your love for another in fear of being beaten.. or perhaps if you were afraid to loose your family and jobs for fear of losing both your income and your connections. Perhaps if you had to struggle to be recognized as a couple or to adopt children without issue. Perhaps if you were not judged for being who you are and not stared at or have jokes made about your sexual life(Which is NOBODIES business). To not be able to travel to other countries without fear of being killed.. All these things and SO much more go into our (GAYS) celebrating 
who we are. Shame on you for trying to make light of a group of people that have had so many more obstacles than you, the straight person, has had to face to just be happy.


verb (used with object) attack or treat with ridicule, contempt, or derision.

The fact this picture mocks gay pride shows me that it isn't about being equal. If that were the case it wouldn't matter if there was a celebration of gay lifestyle.  There wouldn't be a need cuz we were all raised to believe we are equal. Lets be honest here and admit that is NOT the case. 

There ARE the privileged of the world. They are the ones that have made the rules all these years that have created and allowed for this discrimination to take place. 

And now, when people are starting to shake off the brainwashing and expecting to be treated with dignity and respect those same folks cry out that they are not being treated the same way.  I say if they would like to see how it feels to live in an equal society them they should accept, Respect and celebrate. 
Stop crying fowl and Stop mocking someone that has worked against all odds to find acceptance and start making the changes so we can bust those odds down. 

I am glad you are straight and have not had to face the discrimination I face on a daily but I take great offense when you try to make this about you. Gay Pride is a Day.. ONE day when we can go in public in a SEGREGATED area and be together without the hate of the rest of the world affecting us.  You have this Privilege daily which I KNOW you take for granted!

That is a good essay on privilege. It shows how in our daily lives we take for granted the things we do that others can not! 

Do you believe in Magic?

I love Magic.. Its brilliant in how it tricks my mind and forces me to rethink how I look at things.

I think the world would be a better place if more people enjoyed magic..

It has been proven over and over again we NEED to rethink a lot of things so we can change how we cope/accept/assist!

Now has anyone seen my bunny? *looks at you all and mumbles something about your dirty minds*
— feeling magical!!

Damn Budah Belly!

I am fat these days. I have been struggling with my weight for a few years now and I am TIRED of it taking up so much of my head space.

This year I have decided to stop making myself feel bad and start celebrating the fact I am alive, healthy and in love with the most amazing woman EVER.

Besides.. i have the BEST TITS of my life.

The more we as a society evolve the more of us that are interconnected and can start sharing the message that we are AMAZING just as we are.

We need to stop body shaming on ALL accounts and just be thrilled that we are all here together on this fucked up fantastic ryde.

So much is missed when we are worried about others lives and not focused on our own! Which is where body shaming comes from!

What my sharing means!

It's so important to love, accept and respect ourselves yet it is one of the hardest things we will ever have to do.

When I share some of the things I do I don't do it for the "pats on the back" or "affirmation" I do it because I know that I am not the only one that faces these different things and not all people have the ability to speak out and can feel very isolated

I don't want others to feel alone in their struggles as our lives might be so very different yet our insecurities, fears, hopes are quite similar.

I share because it makes me feel like I am helping, both myself and those that I interact with.
I know I am beautiful, even tho sometimes I don't feel it, I run far deeper than what I present to the world and I attract those that can share in the awe that is life.

I am grateful to be surrounded by such brilliance, kindness, variety. Every day I am taught a new lesson, grow a little more.

I must thank you for reading and pondering with me. For tolerating my GraMel gushing and Studio spamming.

Without all of you, friends and acquaintances, family and most important the Love of my Life. I would not be the Woman I am today.

I am proud to be alive, it has always been such an interesting adventure!
— celebrating life.

This Ryde must go on!~

I have decided to use this area to share the thoughts of one very opinionated CaMel!

I share a lot on the Facebook and I am afraid of losing all the great thoughts/conversations and pictures I have/find.

Between that material and random thoughts I hope to share a bit of how I think/feel/act. 

Mostly for my own memory but also for my Grandson to someday read and know what his GraMel stands for and where some of his very own beliefs may stem from.

My life is not boring.. my friends are very entertaining .. my beautiful partner is accepting and amazing. My family is dysfunctional but remarkable! 

I have lots of interesting tales to tell, memories to share, antidotes to dote!

I appreciate feedback, pictures, ideas and stories of your lives so we can all feel connected! 

For life is a spiderweb and we are all walking gingerly as to not get trapped and eaten alive!

Lets do this!!